Industry 4.0 is before all a re-definition of industrial automation along three strategic policies: total integrated automation (robotics,AI,automated processes, IOT)
Industry 4.0 is before all a re-definition of industrial automation along three strategic policies: total integrated automation (robotics,AI,automated processes, IOT)
OBOR, One Belt One Road, is now renamed BRI, Belt Road Initiative, for a better explanation to Western world, but
Halford John Mackinder introduced in 1904 the pillar of modern Geopolitic, presenting in its paper “The Geographical Pivot of History”
The recommendation to be GLOCAL very frequently used in the last century, has been not too often applied in management.
It’s time to think, it’s time to be prepositive, it’s time to reengineering Italian economy, but also its culture. instead
First time it happened to me in Turkey, during a vacation maybe in 1975. I was sitting in a small
Writing an article in 1998, whose title was “Two years to 2000”, I was stressing the need of building an
Land is slowly becoming water in Mecklemburg fields, under the shadow of the Schwerin phantastic castle. Scania blue lakes touch