Geopolitical framework evolution (or revolution?), seem not to leave many alternatives to Europe, whose destiny becomes more and more that of Greece during Roman Empire or that of Venice Republic when they left the sea to their magnificent villas along Brenta river, overcome by Netherlands ship technology. The recent trend in the behaviour of EU Commission, more and more arrogant, violating any treaty of EU foundation, believing to be a constitutional State with annexed powers, is not favouring in my personal opinion a better and strong positioning of Europe among Big Powers. The risk of implosion of a paper castle far from any democratic process in establishing and delegating authorities from European peoples, grows together with the number of self centered decisions of Commission members, whose role is only propositive not executive, particularly on military matters. The real Big Powers USA, China and Russian Federation will rightly not recognise to the EU Commission the authority which they pretend to have in a quite stupid fiction. The rapid change of atmosphere in world relationships, pushing to a new Yalta type world conference and possibly peaceful cooperation among Big Powers, put in evidence the weakness of EU structure, where Commission, Parliament and other nominal invention have nothing to do with a State normal structure, but are bureaucratic tricks to create a minimum of consensus among 27 States. Their real union is based on common markets, free movements of capitals and people, and quite common money, but absolutely without any real delegation of basic policies, defence, education, fiscal, health and so on, typical functions of a normal democratic State. The unanimity vote, violated recently from Commission in adopting a huge military budget, outside of strict regulations imposed from twenty years to national budgets, was a guarantee, written in the treaties, to the member States about their autonomy and independence on critical strategic decisions regarding their peoples.
Always according to my modest opinion, it’s not possible to reform present structure of EU and the correlated progressive degradation of ethic behaviour of Parliament members and other representatives, originated by insufficient democratic processes and control of European peoples. To put Europe at the same table of other Big Powers, EU must to be forgotten in terms of institutions, not in terms of common market functioning, and refounded starting from a real legal framework, a constitution act and processes of authority delegation. To this refoundation process must be invited all the countries of Europe, including UK, Russia and Turkey, but of course can be a small number of members more ready at the beginning of the new approach. Probably one or two of the founders of EU should have the courage and initiative to propose a similar approach, abandoning the old EU to build a real United Europe, leveraging on people interests not on financial entities strategies. The constitutional model to be adopted could be more of Confederation type, due to historical difficulties in a real Federation of so different cultures, languages and traditions.
Writing these opinions I remain in any case very skeptic on the future role, because the political present situation and the mindset created by digital social communication channels, suggests that everything will continue as business as usual. So probably EU will die in convulsion of partial reforms, dictatorial approach from Commission members, progressive abandons from minor States on which horrible antidemocratic interventions are designed and executed through money and internal subversion. The meetings quite daily convicted in Bruxelles may go quite desert in the future, paradoxically with more presence of non EU States, like recently happened. We lack of some great old statist, like Adenauer, having the courage to say these truths openly and to save the real Europe from becoming definitely part of past history.