The dangerous times we are living bring the world back along old history roads, where present conflicts are rooted from centuries. Now is the case of Trieste, door of Habsburgic Empire in 1700, returned to the beloved Italy in 1918, losing a lot of its strategic positioning because of Italian East modest ambitions, under USA administration in 1945 to stop Yugoslavian occupation, left again to Italian administration in 1954. All facts creating a specific multicultural mindset and by the way Italian Geopolitical School started in Trieste University before the last war. In recent times USA created a new infrastructural initiative to connect physically and technologically India, Middle East and Europe (IMEC), in order to balance commercially but also from a military point of view the Chinese One Belt One Road of 2013. This new connection project involve the participation of India, Saudi Arabia, Israel, in the framework of Abram agreements and reach Italy and France. The project has a lot of weakness points due to the recent situation in Gaza and the Turkish variant, named Development Road, passing through Turkey, which already is connected to Trieste with 70% of its export to Europe. Called also Cotton Road, to oppose to Silk Road, the project avoid Pakistan and Suez with Houthi activity and strength the role of India against China.

hiIn USA according to the blogger Roberto Iannuzzi of Intelligence for the people, various contribution of geopolitical experts focused recently on the new role also of Trieste in IMEC context, where one of the arms of the projected route could be connected, in order to improve commercial and military supply chains to East Europe, helping also Ukraine future integration in Europe. This new interest of USA on Trieste strategic position confirm that also leaving administration to Italy the harbour has been observed with attention, in fact when Italian Government signed a protocol with China to include Trieste in the Silk Road initiative, every diplomatic pressure has been done in order to cancel that memorandum until the decision of Italian Government to exit from the deal in favour of more German presence in the harbour company. These recent articles envision new railway connections for Trieste with Warsaw in Poland and Costanza in Rumenia, in order to assure penetration axis to territory of primary interest for NATO after Ukrainian war. This in addition to European TEN projects along the North-South connections with Rostock in Germany and Rail Baltica from Helsinki to Warsaw already in construction.

Trieste is already at top of Italian ports about railway connections and utilisation in multimodal mode to Central Europe, but the heritage from Austria times and more recent investments offer other opportunities of linking to the countries of western part of so called Isthmus of Europe, the line between Kaliningrad and Tiraspol or the parallel Gdansk-Costanza, apparently the Russian Red Line for NATO operations. Of course decisions like those suggested are not only logistical ones, but clearly have a military impact, so the next Geoadriatic meeting of next June in Trieste will have a lot to discuss and say about all these delicates subjects. The risk is the diffuse ignorance of all these aspects in the large public, which by the way provoked the entering in the first and Second World War quite in automatic ways.
